You will read some sentences. These are sentneces from transcriptions of real conversations real poeple had over the phone. Your task is to answer a question about the red sentence to the best of your ability.

The experiment will take approximately 10 minutes. Let's start with two examples!

Example 1

I had some of the banana yogurt.

I had some, but not all of the banana yogurt

How similar is the statement in blue (with 'but not all') to the statement in red (without 'but not all')?
very different meaning same meaning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In your rating, consider whether the sentence 'some, but not all' expresses the same thing as the red sentence. In this example the two sentences are very similar.

Example 2

There's probably some peanuts in the pantry.

There's probably some, but not all peanuts in the pantry.

How similar is the statement in blue (with 'but not all') to the statement in red (without 'but not all')?
very different meaning same meaning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In your rating, consider whether the sentence 'some, but not all' expresses the same thing as the red sentence. In this example the two sentences are very different.

Great! Now we can start the real experiment. You will now read 20 sentences. Your task is to rate how similar the red sentence is to the blue sentence where the word 'some' is replaced with 'some, but not all'. Sometimes, the blue sentence will sound strange. In this case, give a rating to the best of your ability, but also click the checkbox next to "The blue sentence sounds strange".

{{original sentence}}

{{target sentence}}

How similar is the statement in blue (with 'but not all') to the statement in red (without 'but not all')?
very different meaning same meaning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The blue sentence sounds strange:

Make sure you selected a radio button before clicking 'Continue'

Additional information

Answering these questions is optional, but will help us understand your answers.

Did you read the instructions and do you think you did the HIT correctly?



Level of education:

Native language:

Do you think the payment was fair?

Did you enjoy the experiment?

We would be interested in any comments you have about this experiment. Please type them here:

Thanks for your time!
